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Online Event: Attendee Data is a Goldmine of Customer Leads

Written by Nvish | 7/12/22 6:17 AM
An online conference, trade show, or event is a great way to connect with customers and generate leads for your business. But the most effective leads aren't always found on the floor. There are thousands of attendees at any conference, and getting everyone to visit your site and sign up for a demo is an unrealistic goal - even if you have the best giveaways. So where do you find the best leads at an event? In the attendee lists! The names and information of attendees (or those who express interest in attending) are extremely valuable data that can help you with your marketing efforts throughout the year.

Attendee data is one of the most valuable assets for any B2B marketer

As a marketer, you're always looking for ways to better understand your customers and prospects. Attendee data is a goldmine of information that can help you do just that. Event data is one of the most valuable assets for any B2B marketer. It provides insight into your customers' buying behavior, interests, and preferences, allowing you to develop effective marketing strategies based on them. By identifying your attendees' needs and understanding their motivations, you can create engaging content that helps them achieve their goals. Event data isn't only useful for building relationships with potential buyers, but it's also a great way to increase brand awareness! The more people know about you and your business, the more likely they're to want to work with you or buy from you in the future. So make sure it's easy for attendees (and those who can't attend) to stay involved throughout the event by sharing updates on Facebook Live or Periscope so they can follow along remotely while staying connected via social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn groups where others can learn what happened during each session.

It is difficult to capture event attendee data

While the data you collect at an event is an invaluable source of customer leads, it's a challenge to capture. Data capture is a technical challenge that can be addressed by choosing the right technology and deploying it effectively. It's also an operational challenge: getting people on board using the technology, training them how to use it well, and creating processes around collecting data from attendees in a secure manner that stays within industry compliance standards. It's not just about what you collect—it's how you store it as well. Some parts of your organization may need access for research purposes or analytics; others might need access only when applicable (e.g., if there were ever legal questions about whether someone attended an event).

Active data collection gets you valuable information


Active data collection is the process of collecting data during an event. It is not just a passive activity, but something you do to gather information about the participants and the event itself. Active data collection can be done using a variety of methods, such as:
  • Surveys - Online surveys are easy to create and distribute at events while attendees are still enjoying full bellies and good company. You can track responses in real-time, allowing you to act faster than ever before by having access to accurate information.
  • Online Tracking - We all know that virtual events are a great way to reach and connect with potential customers and clients. However, the benefits of virtual events are far from exhausted. By leveraging the information from your event, you can enable companies to track and evaluate the movement of each attendee in the virtual environment, resulting in highly qualified sales leads with a wider reach of potential customers, minimal costs, and constant follow-up. By tracking each attendee's movements in real-time, you can create a database of all the attendees at your event. From there, you can send out a survey or questionnaire asking attendees specific questions about what they liked best about your event or what they didn't like at all. This way, you'll get valuable feedback on what needs to be improved next time and what went well enough to not change anything at all! Using this information, you can also track how many times each person has participated in an activity so far (i.e., how many times they've asked questions) and how many times each person has interacted with other attendees by either engaging them directly via live chat or sending them messages via social media channels like Twitter or Facebook Messenger.

Passive data collection helps make sense of active data

Once you've created your event marketing plan, the next step is to promote it on LinkedIn. LinkedIn's advertising platform offers a variety of tools that can help you reach your target audience and measure results. Here's how:
  • Passive data collection helps make sense of active data.
  • Passive data is information gathered by the organizer of an event, while active data comes from attendees who opt in to provide their information. When you combine passive and active, you get full-spectrum customer insight that can help you answer questions like "Who are my best customers? What are they interested in? Where do they come from?".

Active Data + Passive Data = GOLD!

Event data is a goldmine of customer leads. Think about it: when attendees register for your event, they're giving you their contact information and deciding to spend money on your product or service. When they attend your event, they're giving you more information about their interests and preferences. These are two great sources of lead generation—but they're not enough on their own! You can take advantage of both active and passive data collection at events by asking questions during registration, via email follow-ups after the event, and through surveys sent via the app after registration closes. By combining active with passive sources, you'll give yourself an even better understanding of who your customers are so that you can develop targeted campaigns that resonate with them most effectively.

You can use event attendee data to boost your customer base and increase ROI

Event attendee data is a goldmine of information for marketers. With the right tools, you can use event attendee data to boost your customer base, increase ROI, and more.
  • Boost your customer base: Sending post-event emails is a great way to capture leads from people who attended events in which you had an opportunity to talk about your brand. By doing so, you'll increase awareness and interest in what you have to offer—and may even get them interested enough that they want to buy from you when they're ready!
  • Increase ROI: By targeting specific attendees with personalized marketing messages based on their interests or behaviors at the event (like which booths they visited), you can create smarter campaigns that are likely to resonate more strongly with recipients than mass emails would be. That means higher clickthrough rates as well as better conversion rates overall!
  • Increase loyalty: Customers who have been exposed directly through a specific campaign will feel special because their personal experience has been taken into account; this fosters trust between buyer and seller—making it much easier for future transactions to go smoothly without any hiccups along the way."


As anyone who has ever organized an event knows, getting people to show up can be a challenge. Even if you’ve planned the perfect meeting or seminar, it means nothing if no one comes. Luckily, there are several ways that you can promote your event and turn attendees into customers. The leads you generate from events can be valuable in their own right because they often contain detailed personal information about your future clients. And even if they don’t turn into sales immediately after the event ends, these contacts will still prove useful as long-term assets for your business. Explore our next-generation solutions for hosting your next event online! Contact Nextiz team for any further help!